One of the least fun parts of releasing a record yourself is mailing out promo copies. When we put out Let's Move in Together, I ignored some good advice and went for the cheapest cardboard mailers, which seemed to have been designed by a sadistic puzzlemaker, and the band spent a long day putting embarrassing "hype stickers" on them, folding up a little one sheet and stuffing the whole package together. It's really a wasteful and demoralizing procedure - at least 90 percent get trashed or sold on Amazon.
We won't be doing that again, but sometimes miracles happen, like this really nice review of our record 2 years after it came out! The best part of this, aside from writer's enjoyment of our music, is the fact that the author says he picked up our CD for 10 cents at a used record store in Nashville. It was the "hype sticker" that caught his eye.
As our new friend at Nocoda writes: You better freaking believe it!